I might be the happiest person in the world this morning.
"Why are you so happy, Shannon?" you ask.
You might be thinking I'm happy because I have a job.
Or because I have a car.
Or because I got to go to the temple last night. And it was amazing.
Or because I managed to make it across the parking lot this morning without slipping on 1" of ice.
Or because ______________________ (insert your own imaginative thought here...or leave a comment. I'm curious to see how creative you can get).
Well, those things do make me happy.
But to top it all off....
I got my tax return!!!
What am I going to do with it?
Put it toward paying off my car.
In fact, I just might pay off the whole thing. Wouldn't that be fun??? :)
I can think of one big, huge fill in the blank. But you already know that I know that you know what it is. Ya know?
You're paying it off already???? Dang girl!! You should manage my finances. :)
I like that you're happy. And I like why you're happy. In fact, it makes me that much happier!
You forgot to add the 3 day weekend reason too. :)
Shannon, that doesn't sound fun at all! You should go on some trip with that money. Pay it off next year. Go to Europe. That sounds fun.
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