Sunday, October 7, 2012

Small Appliance Love

My roommate Annie and I recently went to a party where we were watching an episode of the Cosby Show (which, by the way, is such a great show...sometimes I forget).  In it, Clair was teasing Cliff  about how he buys these shiny new small appliances in the kitchen, uses them once, then sends them to the "appliance graveyard."

Annie and I took inventory of our small appliances and realized we hardly ever use some of them.  We have decided that in the month of October, we'd like to use all of our little appliances in our kitchen.

So far we've used the quesadilla maker, ice cream maker, toaster (Toaster Strudel...mmm), heart-shaped waffle iron, George Foreman grill, popcorn maker.

The only things we have left are the pizza stone (not an appliance, I know...but still feels neglected), crepe maker (we used it a couple weeks ago...but not in October), Cocomotion, sandwich maker, blender, and bread maker.

It's been fun.  You should try it.  I should have been taking pictures along the way, though.


Unknown said...

You totally should have taken pictures.

I think the George Foreman was a contribution of mine. You can totally keep it! :) Especially since Jake doesn't love small appliances. Quirky, I know.

Jake and Shell said...

You know, you can use the george foreman for sandwiches...he makes a mean grilled cheese! We use our quesadilla (sp?) maker weekly (pizzadillas, bean burritodillas...) And you can use your waffle iron to make quick cinnamon rolls (use pillsbury cans)-in case you need some inspiration. :)