I teach in a very unique place. 95% (or possibly more) of my students are LDS. It isn't uncommon that I hear a student comment start with something like, "Yesterday in Sunday School....".
I love it.
It cracks me up every time.
What did I hear today from half of my class?
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent...."
Apparently they were seeing if they could recite all 13 articles of faith.
Such great kids.
And in the same class I heard all about a kid's probation officer.
I guess there's a little bit of diversity here.
I wish my kids could go to school there.
I had to cut a kid off today as he was starting to share his testimony. hahahah
Yep, only in Utah... My favorite comments are those like "My young women's teacher told me......" or
"that happened to someone in my ward."
I remember a 2nd grade boy in Kristy's Spanish Fork class who went home and told his mom he was going to portray a dad in the school play, "And I need a shirt and tie . . . and garments.
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