Saturday, January 16, 2010

Needs vs Wants

At school on Friday, my student teacher was teaching about Needs vs Wants.

She was asking the students what some of her needs are.

One girl sighed and said, "Oh, I need Taylor Lautner."

I said, "I'm pretty sure that's a want."

She said, "No...I want Zak Efron, but I need Taylor Lautner."



heather said...

hahaha, that is so funny!

Lydia said...

You can't blame her for having her priorities in order.

Katie said...


Carie said...

Oh Shannon, you make me laugh. So do your students.

Move back to Provo, okay? Okay. I'll buy a condo. You can live in it. Then our 'fates' will come true!!

Shannon said...

So mean to say that this condo you are buying will have twin brothers living next door? Sounds great!

Anonymous said...

hahaha. that made my day. :)

Tammy said...

Good thing you're teaching Shannon and not me because I would have said, "Who's Taylor Lautner?" I obviously have teenage boys, not girls!

Kristy Carpenter said...

That is the best lesson in want vs need I've heard! I want to be friends with this girl!