Tuesday, December 15, 2009

L Letterpress Giveaway!

Last week, my friend Laura introduced me to this super nifty tool she likes to call (because that's what it's called) the L Letterpress. Laura works for the company that makes the letterpress and develops designs for it...and she's pretty much the most talented person I know!
(Laura, is it called the "L" after you? I sure hope so.)

I was thrilled this morning when I saw on Laura's blog (check it out...she has some fun stuff on there, and you can see more of what this letterpress can do) that they are giving an L Letterpress away! I want one...then I won't have to call Laura every night to see if I can come use it (tomorrow night, perhaps? I'll call you) :)

So go check out their blog to see what it's all about!


Lifestyle Crafts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura L Giddens said...

I was the author who deleted that first comment...I will still signed in under my work blogger info.

Thanks for the shout out. I will be home tonight working on some projects, so come on over and we can have a etching party.